Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fourteen Years Old . . . Forever?

I live with three fourteen-year-olds. One who thinks he's fourteen, one who acts like he's fourteen and one who gets treated like he's fourteen. That's life with three "boys" I guess. Just glad they all act their age sometimes I guess. It's likely I'm really "in for it" as the years go by. Wouldn't change a thing though, I love my three boys.

Are They Real?

We have solar-powered butterfly mobiles in the market.

The other day Frank was sitting at the counter at the iPod listening station and I saw him studying one of the mobiles. He whispered to me, "Mom, are the butterflies REAL?" I told him they weren't. He said, "But Mom, they're making it MOVE." There was such awe and wonder in his voice.

I love Frank so much.