Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Vacation–Day One, Two and Three

After a very long day and night on Saturday, we left for our trip on Sunday with relative ease. The preparation for the trip marked a turning point in our family, most of the packing was done, finis, all I was responsible for packing was my stuff.

Our plan was to leave by 9am and we left ahead of schedule. Our first stop was the Ft. Collins Brewfest, which started at 11am. We were in before the crowds, tasted a couple of beers each and the boys hung out and cooperated.

Next stop was Cheyenne, Wyoming. Given it was Sunday, downtown Cheyenne was deserted. It reminded us of Butte, Montana, only without the toxic-looking pools of water scattered throughout town. We had lunch and kept going.

We intended to stop in Lusk, but got there so far ahead of schedule, we kept going. The next town, one hour up the road, was Newcastle. We drove around HOPING we could find a place to stay since the next town, Sundance, was still an hour more away. Driving through town we saw a sign for the Pine Motel, which promised to be secluded and quiet. True to every word, we found a lovely motel, out of the way, off the beaten path, to spend our first night.

The owner of the motel sent us to the Pizza Barn for dinner, which was fine, pretty awful, but fine for a late dinner with two hungry kids.

Monday morning our goal was to explore Devils Tower. We stopped in Sundance for breakfast. The little woman who waited on us, told us she raised thirteen children. She was as sweet as could be when out in the dining area, but swore like a sailor the minute she got into the kitchen. The kitchen was not very far away from the dining room and we could hear every word. It was hysterical. Then she'd come back out with the sweetest little smile on her face. My guess was she was not only a great-grandmother, but likely great-great too.

We arrived at Devils Tower early enough that it was not too hot for the mile and a half trek around it. Beck and Dad tried to complete the junior ranger booklet, although we didn't see any squirrels (unusual I thought), or deer (not so unusual with all the people around). Frank and I talked about how Devils Tower was the first national monument and I explained the importance of National Parks to him. Teddy Roosevelt has long been my favorite president, for that very reason. What a gift he gave to future generations by realizing the importance of protecting our national treasures, like Devils Tower.

From there we made our way to Spearfish and then Spearfish Canyon, extraordinarily beautiful. Frank got carsick, the only damper on the amazing drive.

We drove into Deadwood late afternoon and settled on the Franklin Hotel for the night. After a buffet dinner, because Deadwood is a town full of casinos and buffets are the only dinners there are, the boys took a break in the room while I played slot machines for a little over two hours on a hundred bucks. I went back to the room with $60, so for a couple of hours, that wasn't too bad.

This morning we started with an hour-long tour of Deadwood, where we learned a lot more about the history of it, Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane. It was a very informative tour well run and put together.

From there we went to Sturgis. Sturgis, outside of rally week, makes Cheyenne look like New York City on New Year's Eve. Most of the shops are closed, or empty. There are signs in almost every window with a phone number to call for "vendor spots." Evidently the landlords make all their money in one week but dividing up their storefronts into multi-vendor stalls. Even after looking at photos, I cannot imagine what it must be like. Mardi Gras in New Orleans (or Jazzfest), carnival in Rio? Whatever it is, is far too much for me to imagine or want to experience.

We hit Rapid City earlier than expected but were able to check in to our hotel, which features an indoor waterpark. The boys were in HEAVEN and swam and played for a couple of hours.

Always on the lookout for local breweries, Doug was able to find one in historic downtown Rapid City where we had dinner. We promised the boys another swim before bedtime and now are hoping they will soon wind down and sleep.

Tomorrow on deck is Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Custer and Sylvan Lake. It sounds like a lot to do in a day, but Doug feels confident we can fit it all in. Since he is so much better at planning this stuff than I am, I won't doubt him.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Frank's Birthday

Frank celebrated his tenth birthday yesterday. It was a quiet day, which we all needed. He wanted kraft mac n cheese for dinner, not a problem, we have Costco-style multipacks and which will take us years to go through. Then we had cake, gifts, and a quiet night.

Today, different story. Doug picked the boys up at 4:00 and we made our way down to Artsports, a warehouse filled with all sorts of trampolines, pits of foam and gymnastic mats. Frank had eight friends join him and they are now all spending the night.

Frank had a sleepover party two years ago, with many of the same characters. I've known most of them for three years and it has been fun watching them grow up.

We took two cars down to Artsports so we could bring all the kids home with us for the sleepover. Out of the bunch, Reese and Beau (and Andrew and John) rode home with Beck and me. I love Reese and Beau. They're the "bad" boys. And they were two of Frank's first sleepover pals. They don't scare me. They're actually both really great kids, and they're not really bad boys at all. They're funny and clever (and polite too), you just know by looking at them that they will be a handful as they get older.

Reese sat in the front seat and Beau sat behind him. We opened the sunroof and all the windows in the car on the ride home. We turned up the music as loud as we (I) could stand it, and rocked out (that's probably an archaic term to them), all the way home. I, evidently, have cool taste in music.

It was a good escape from some pain in my life. I've had a friendship come to an end and it breaks my heart. It's for the best, but it breaks my heart nonetheless. It will be hard to come to terms with and it will take time, but it truly is for the best.

And, as it goes with doors opening and closing . . . another dear friend called me today, unexpectedly. I was talking with someone yesterday and said of this friend, "You know, if we moved, or didn't have a business in Monument, or if the circumstances of our lives changed, I'm not certain we would stay in touch." Oddly enough, this friend called and in a nutshell told me how important I was to him and how he considered me his "sister." The only other person I have that kind of relationship with is CJ, and it is something that means an awful lot to me. I was touched beyond words, I don't have any siblings, and it is nice to know that I have friends who care about me in this way and vice versa.

What a gift that telephone conversation was. It reminded me that while some friendships end, others don't. And even when you are trying to push someone away, or distance yourself, you remain important enough in their life for them to make the effort to let you know it.

I know it can't always be that way. I will miss my other friend so much, but we are simply not meant to be friends.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Concert Tonight

The first concert in the park is tonight. The weather looks beautiful, hope it lasts through the end of the day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend Update

So much to write about from this past weekend, or week. So much work to do too. BUT, in a strange twist of priorities, I'm going to go get some exercise FIRST this morning and write later. Hmmm, what a good idea.

Friday, June 19, 2009


. . . and tired. Didn’t get home from Art Hop until 10:30 last night and didn’t go to sleep until after midnight (texting, ugh, how did this start?), yet woke up at 5am. Did I say tired already? Have all good intentions but no energy to do any of it. Feel like I’ve gone 20 miles in the marathon and am dropping out. So close but no energy to finish.

And I suppose a little depressed too. Looks more and more like it will rain tomorrow. So much work has gone into this event, and there is now a 40 percent chance of rain, in the morning, when the chalk walk is supposed to take place.

Feel like I’m forever getting close to the finish line, with everything, and just not making it. Probably shouldn’t be writing now.

Lunch today with neighborhood ladies. I am the youngest of all of them by almost half, so it should be no surprise that we’re having lunch at 11am. They are fun though and I will spend much of the time laughing. All, or almost all, wives of Air Force officers (as much of our community is as a whole), they can be a raunchy group, particularly the birthday girl, who I believe is turning 80. She SHOCKS me, often, with the stuff she says. And another, Jeanne, reminds me so much of my Aunt Dorothy its uncanny. I should go look through the photo albums and see if I can find a picture of her. Jeanne is always asking me. Although they do look alike, it is her personality and sense of humor that reminds me of my Aunt Dorothy the most. I don’t see these women enough, these women who make me laugh and laugh. I don’t see anyone enough.

Art Hop last night: 300+ people in last night. Talked to a third, or said hello rather. Talked to five. Okay, maybe more than five, but definitely didn’t feel like talking to 300. Not very gracious I guess.

Time to go do something physical and try to energize myself through endorphins.

An aside: Ballou is on the bed behind me snoring up a storm, and dreaming. He must be dreaming he’s chasing a squirrel, his favorite pastime.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
—Berthold Auerbach

I'm just realizing right now . . .

. . . what a big week this is. Yes, it’s Wednesday, but my life, normally hectic and unmanageable by most people’s standards, is doubly-so these days.

It occurred to me TODAY, that tomorrow is Art Hop (not that big of surprise, and I’m ready for it), Saturday is the Finally Summer Soul-stice event (again, I’m ready for it), and Sunday is Father’s Day (I’m ready for that too, just have to get a card), but what I forgot (temporarily) is that Sunday night we’re going to see Stevie Winwood and Eric Clapton at the Pepsi Center.

Frank has chosen his Grandma Claudia to be the “friend” he’s taking to the concert and she is beside herself excited. In the midst of not realizing all this was happening in the next four days, I somehow managed to remember to get a sitter for Beckett on Sunday night, and get a sitter for both boys for tomorrow night. I feel like I’m having random OBEs and that is when I’m accomplishing this stuff, almost unbeknownst to me.

I feel like that a lot lately, like I’m not necessarily present in what is going on around me. And to a certain extent that is to be expected. I’m disconnected and probably won’t reconnect until sometime later this summer.

I heard from Donna at the Air Force Academy that the wine class I taught was so popular they want to do it once a month, starting in August. In addition there is another class they want me to teach. She’s just hoping I don’t get overwhelmed. Ummmm, I’m pretty sure I live in a constant state of overwhelmed.

A couple of days ago a friend and her son were helping me move some stuff at the gallery, in preparation for Art Hop. She, the friend, kept stopping me from moving anything and she and her son would jump in and do it. I said, “Luke is going to think I’m lazy.” She stopped moving whatever she was moving, put her hand on her hip and said, “There isn’t ANYONE in the Town of Monument who thinks YOU are lazy.” Okay, well that’s good.

I got an interesting email from another friend today about OBEs. The subject line was, “Powerful Evidence of Consciousness After Death.” I have to think, a lot, about the content of his email before I go any further in sharing it. But suffice to say, I’m going to take some time to purposefully contemplate the content.

I’m really looking forward to our trip at the end of the month. I’ve never been to Mt. Rushmore and neither has Doug, so this will be a first that all four of us will share as a family. I’m as much or more excited about just hanging out with the boys and relaxing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just drifted off . . .

. . . when I got a text from CJ (forgot to turn my phone off) asking if I was still awake. He told me he and Janel are expecting another baby. Life. There isn't ever a good time, but there isn't ever a bad time either.

I remember when I realized I was pregnant with Beckett. Life had been pretty hectic and I was on a whirlwind of work. Doug, Frank and I headed to Pennsylvania for a vacation that included going to my beloved Canada Lake. While we were at Doug's parents house, I started feeling really nauseous, but only in the morning, didn't want any coffee, and a couple of mornings got up, and then proceeded to go back to bed and go back to sleep. And that is something I NEVER do. Doug thought I was simply sick, but I always felt better after I ate. Leaving Frank with Grandma and Grandpa, Doug and I made our way to the drug store, and sure enough, I was pregnant.

We left the next day for Canada Lake, where I spent a lot of time during the next week sitting on the dock alone, looking out at Nick Stoner Island, thinking about this new baby that was inside me. I was certain it was a girl, and started talking to "her," immediately. Turns out she was a he, and now Beckett is five. Amazing.

Canada Lake is my special place, the place I go in my head when I don't want to think about whatever it is that is plaguing me. I'm anxious to go back again. It's important that Doug and the boys remember that Canada Lake is where I want to spend the end of my days.

A Really Tough One

Wow. This is a hard one. I don’t even know what to think let alone what to say. The local newspaper just published a front page story about the upcoming Summer Soul-stice event taking place in Monument this Saturday. This event is our (Doug and my) baby. We, along with Woody and Cathy Woodworth, thought of it. Doug and I have worked on this event tirelessly for the last few weeks, to the point where we both have neglected other things we needed to take care.

Doug and I aren’t the kind of people who need recognition for the work we do. We do it, selfishly, for the good of our business. The merchants, for the most part, are great about acknowledging how hard we work and thanking us for the good we have done for the merchants and the town.

So the tough part, we are the only participating business NOT listed in the article. The only one. And that is hard to take but harder to react to. I don’t know how to react. At all. I don’t know what to say, if anything at all, or who to say it to.

Honestly, I just want to cry and I don’t really understand that reaction. I thought I might feel better if I wrote about it, so far I don’t. Maybe I’ll feel better about it tomorrow.

Monday, June 15, 2009

WITW (What in the World)

As opposed to WTF . . . it seems as though every other day either Frank or Beck are sick, throwing up sick. I guess the last time was Thursday, so that really isn't every other day, but close enough. Now Frank is sick. Perhaps it was all the junk food he ate at the baseball game yesterday. Or, may not. What is going on?

Monday Morning

Another beautiful day has dawned in Monument. The sun is shining without a cloud in the sky. I don’t work much on Mondays, in fact, I almost never schedule any kind of appointment on Monday because it is a day I don’t want to HAVE to do anything.

The wine bar is closed Monday nights, but the gallery is open during the day on Monday. I rarely even set foot in it. Today is different; we have a relatively new employee working on her own today, so I will have to go in to let her in, make sure she feels comfortable on her own, and then might be able to head out. Later this afternoon I have to go back to set up for Art Hop, which may prove to be a long night; one I hope I have the energy for.

This is a big week. Art Hop is this Thursday and we should be ready for it. Saturday is Monument’s first Finally Summer Soul-stice Celebration. Could be a big deal, provided the weather is good. There are several components to it including live music, a Chalk Walk, hayrides, etc. To find out more, click here.

Frank is off this week, no camps or activities scheduled, which I don’t think is a good thing. Doug has a lot of work to do and I think Frank will just be bored. We’ll see.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

End of Baseball for this Year

Today is a beautiful day here in Monument; it’s perfectly sunny without a cloud in the sky, everything is green and beautiful from the recent rains and all the flowers are in bloom. Driving around town, there are fields full of wildflowers, so beautiful it takes my breath away. We are slated to go to a Sky Sox game this afternoon with the Tri-Lakes Little League. Yesterday was Frank’s last game of the season and they bearly finished before the thunderstorm set in. They had a party at the local pizza place that I did not attend but Doug, Frank and Beckett did.

Frank finished baseball camp at the Air Force Academy on Friday and that, in constrast to this year’s little league team, was a fantastic experience. He learned so much, got tremendous positive feedback and his self confidence soared. It is a shame they only offer one week a year for his age group. I’m sure that is all they can handle as if they offered more, it would probably be very overwhelming.

Beckett continues to LOVE summer camp. I don’t remember what next week’s theme is, but it doesn’t matter. He has LOTS of fun and the change of scenery from preschool has been so good for him. He starts kindergarten this August, although he asked me last night why there was homework in school and he wasn’t “ever, ever, ever, ever . . . “ planning to do it. Okay.

He just asked me if I can make him eggs for breakfast this morning, and since it isn’t a day that we’re in any hurry, I said that yes I could. He did a little dance around the room in celebration. I guess I’d better sign off and get those eggs started.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why Am I Still Awake?

Wasn’t it just a couple of hours ago that I wrote I was exhausted? And yet I’m still awake. My friend Deanne is leaving tomorrow for ten days or something and then will be gone most of the month of July. And I’m sad.

There just aren’t that many people who I miss. In fact, I can count the people I “miss” on one hand. I will miss her.

I don’t like saying good-bye, and while she’ll be back in really just a few days, today we said good-bye. I suck at good-byes, always have. And then there are the good-byes that you don’t realize will be the last. And those are the hardest.

Okay, gotta go to bed.

Doug is watching a movie in the other room and periodically I hear him laugh. It’s such a nice sound.


I just realized today is my goddaughter’s birthday. Thank goodness I posted something on the blog tonight or I might not have realized what the date today was. Happy birthday sweetie. I love you and miss you so much.

Finding Old Friends

If I think about where my week has gone I just might cry. It cannot possibly be the dreaded Friday tomorrow already. And yes, as opposed to every other person on the planet, I dread Fridays. (But I LOVE Sundays and Mondays, I know—really weird, if you knew me, or know me, you understand.)

Too tired to really write much tonight, and probably too emotional too, but here goes anyway.

I cannot say I’m a big fan of Facebook; it’s fine and that’s as good as it gets with me. However, a couple of really great things have come of my being on Facebook. One is, after all these years, I now know that my first love is still alive and seemingly happy (which makes me happy because, after all, I did love him), I’ve gotten to see photos of the children of some of my best friends from childhood and my cousins, which I probably wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. I also, and this is terrible to say, now know that we ALL have aged (not just me), and some better than others. (I’m obviously not a reunion-goer.)

Additionally, and this is the best part, although as I think about it, it has nothing to do with Facebook. I’ve reconnected with one of my very best friends in the whole world. Marie and I met in fourth grade, and I can still remember the day, where we met, and what she looked like then. Even though both of us moved a lot, we stayed close friends through high school. In our early twenties she got married and we fell out of touch for awhile. We reconnected a few years later and remained in touch and saw each other a couple of times. She surprised me and came to my bridal shower with her daughter, and that meant so much to me. Shortly after Doug and I got married, so maybe eight or nine years ago, we lost touch again. Through one of the classmate sites, we’ve reconnected again.

I emailed and she responded a couple of times and now it is my turn. The best part is, as it always is with true friends, I feel as though no time has passed whatsoever in terms of how easy it is to communicate with her. And it makes me feel SO good that she signs her emails, “Love, Marie.” There just isn’t a better feeling in the world than knowing someone who is so important to you, feels the same way about you. I do love her, in the way that you love those people who were your “very best friends.” Only now that we’re back in touch do I realize how much I missed her.

In the last couple of years she lost her dad and I lost my mom. Another thing we share, another thing we don’t have to talk about, both of us know the pain of the loss and empathize with one another. I knew her parents well when we were growing up and vice versa. Her children are grown, mine are still growing, but we’re both moms, so that too, we both get. Instead of writing here, I should be writing to her, so I’ll sign off now and do just that.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Cholesterol Queen

Total cholesterol is 109
LDL is 95
HDL is 60

I am the queen of cholesterol. At least there is SOMETHING in my body working right.


Doug and I just finished up the last plans for our trip at the end of the month. For the last week he’s been telling me that he needed to talk to me about where we were going to stay the last night or two nights. Actually I think he’s been telling me that he needs to book the last night or two nights and needs my help. To which, in my mind, I say to myself, why does he need my help, he always does this on his own. Can’t he just handle this? And then I go on, which I won’t go into now but it has something to do with, I do everything, he doesn’t.

Okay, so today I finally consented to talk to him about booking the last couple of nights. Low and behold, it is because we’re going to the hot springs and he wanted to talk to me about what kind of spa services I want to enjoy for the two days we’re there (while he’s out gallivanting and climbing rocks with the boys). So now I feel like a complete bitch, but the good news is, we have the two nights booked, I’m spending two days in the spa, and Doug has two gold stars.

Sunday, June 07, 2009


I love ’em.

I knew I’d marry an artist. Well, that isn’t true. After I married an artist, I thought to myself, if I hadn’t married a painter, I probably would’ve married a musician. Doug isn’t just a painter though, he’s the most creative person I know, which is probably more to the point of why I was attracted to him in the first place.

BUT, I have to say, that if there is such a thing as a next life, I hope Doug comes back as a cowboy.


So glad I exited the dating scene years (and years) ago. Still, I found the book (years ago) and now the movie, He’s Just Not That Into You, terribly insightful.

It should be a handbook that all girls are given when they enter the age of dating. So much angst and humiliation could be spared young women if this were mandatory reading. The laws of common sense, in all aspects of their lives should, and would then, be the core curriculum; the benefit of which would know no bounds. And then, it should be mandatory reading once a year, for the majority of the rest of their lives.

Friday, June 05, 2009


It took me a long time, she said, to stop confusing safety with love.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Pitter, Patter. . .

. . . Pitter, patter . . . Beck just ran through the bedroom (to go potty). I will miss that sound. Once they’re ten, they don’t pitter patter anymore.

AND . . .

I want some chocolate, dammit.


Why do you only hear from some people when they need something? It is a pattern that drives me crazy. Friends who I ONLY hear from when they need something. Or perhaps I should change that sentence to PEOPLE who I ONLY hear from when they need something. Because I don’t think they’re really friends, are they? There’s never that check-in to see how you’re doing, for no particularly good reason, just to say hello. It’s always just . . . I haven’t talked to you in (insert days, weeks or months, sometimes years), but this is what I need or want from you. And if it falls in the DAYS category, the last time you have heard from them was days ago when they needed something ELSE.

And BTW, I DO email or call people just to see how they are doing, because I simply thought of them. Often. And I am one of the busiest people I know.

Um, I think I’m grouchy and should just go to bed. And perhaps take a tranquilizer (or ten). (Just kidding.) (About the tranquilizers.)

Very Tired.

Now Frank is sick. God, please do not let me get it. He doesn’t seem anywhere near as bad as Beck was, but sick nonetheless. So tired. Had to leave work today to come home and rest. Rested and exercised, which then made me feel better. Ran an errand with Deanne which then made me tired again.

The staff isn’t getting along tonight, and I really shouldn’t use the word staff, Aga and Jenn aren’t getting along and they need to right now.

Beckett loves being a summer camp kid. No naps, lots of fun, today was his first real field trip ever, they went to a Sky Sox game (how fun!!). When I picked him up today he said two things. The first was that he really should’ve worn a belt today (he just lost so much weight his pants are loose now and I didn’t notice when he was getting dressed or I would’ve tighted the adjustment-thingy). The other thing he said was, “I don’t leally [really] like children’s choice Mom.” Yes, I know, they make you take naps. He’s over it.

Keep getting texts and emails but not from the people I want to hear from. Should just turn it off. There’s so much more I want to write but simply don’t have the energy.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Four of My Favorite Things

That somehow played a role in my life today . . .
1. Kneipp Eucalyptus Herbal Bath
2. Dick and Sue (okay so technically, counted individually, they would make FIVE of my favorite things rather than four), who came into the wine bar tonight.
3. “Absence makes the heart grow fungus.” Favorite line from a song and so true.
4. “She has a certain je ne sais quoi.” Overheard today, one of the best french idioms.

Stop the Rain Mom

Beckett is not a morning person. There is usually something he feels as though he has to whine or cry about just about every morning. It only lasts for a couple of minutes and then it is over. Today is his first day at “summer camp,” and he is very excited about it.

I’m not feeling very well this morning so Beckett came in and I was still in bed. He looked out the window and saw it was raining (doesn’t bode well for a fun day at summer camp). He looks over at me and says, “M-o-o-om, remember? I told you to make it stop raining.”

Moms are magic, it’s true, but even moms can’t stop the rain.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Big Week

Lots going on this week, starting at 7:00am, so about to get out of the house. Probably won't be posting a lot this week. More later.