Friday, June 02, 2017

Vegetable Gardens and Book Gardens

It's springtime in the rockies, which means snowstorms can continue well into June. They're more random after Mother's Day, so most everyone who lives at our elevation waits until after June 1 to plant their vegetable gardens. 

Yesterday, we planted. We've been planting all along, just not the vegetables or the outside pots. But since we hit the June 1 mark, we decided it was time to finish up and let stuff grow. I posted "before" photos a few minutes ago on Facebook, and can't wait to see how it looks a couple months into the season. 

As I watered our tender plants earlier this morning, I thought about how my vegetable garden is like my book garden. I planted their seeds, fed and watered them, and now it's time for them to grow, flourish, and produce. I talked to the experts about why they weren't growing and producing the way they should, and with sound advice in my pocket, switched up their care to help them along. I guess this post serves as my written "before." I can't wait to see how it all looks a few months into the season.