Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve

Busy all day and then made the mistake of going to the grocery store to do last minute shopping, something my mom and I always did, although it was usually Thanksgiving morning. She drove me crazy, but I miss her, on days like these especially.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

No hurt survives for long without our help, she said and then she kissed me and sent me out to play again for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

So Much to Write

I have so much to write about and can't seem to get the motivation to do so. Snow days have allowed me to get a lot done, but they weren't things on my original to-do list, so while I did get a few things checked off, I still feel as though there is so much left to do.

Also am very confused about a couple things that happened in the last couple of weeks, don't know how to handle it, don't even know what or how to think about it. Am I worried about things that I needn't be? Or instead, that I shouldn't be? Or, most especially, don't exist? I guess only time will tell. And then, if it is something I need to be worried about, do I even care, or is it just another example the usual bullshit? Again, only time will tell.

Having a nice time with the boys these days. Sometimes the fore-mentioned crap brings families closer together, at least at the core of it, which means the four of us.

Now that Beck is in full-fledged kindergarten, he's blossoming as a brainiac. Even Frank can't get over how smart he seems. He's spelling up a storm, non-stop, every minute, writing like a fiend. His (hand) writing is very controlled, Frank said last night that he didn't write that well until second or third grade. He wants to read, write and draw every minute. He also seems to have some innate artistic ability. It will be interesting to see how he develops.

Frank is doing well. I didn't get a chance to read it, but right after we got home from New York, he wrote his essay about Ellis Island. Last time I got a chance to look at it, it was five pages long. He wrote up until the very last minute he had to leave for school (the two-hour snow delay really helped). I think Frank is going to be a strong and creative writer. I'd like to see him write on his blog more, but I'd like to see me write on my blog more too, so there you have it.

Frank has realized things in the last couple of weeks, as has Doug, and they're making good decisions based on their realizations. It's amazing sometimes how a slap in the face can really wake someone up. Like the scene in Moonstruck where Cher slaps Nicolas Cage across the face and says, "Snap out of it!" Yep, just like that.

Decided to open the wine bar up for dinner six nights a week, that on the heels of deciding to develop a dinner menu for the wine bar (those damn snow days!). We had three tables last night and haven't even announced being open on Mondays yet, and didn't have the staff there to cover it. BUT, Ryan handled it, as he always does. He's a great and valuable employee. AND, if we ever decided to have stand-up comedy at the wine bar (we won't), he'd be great at that too.

I'm supposed to be putting Halloween decorations away right now so I'd better get at it. Laundry to fold, lunches to make for school, life beckons . . .