Saturday, August 05, 2017

Avoiding the Calendar and the Clock

The math isn't difficult, I just don't want to do it. I liked July so much better, or even June. Then I could say "Frank isn't leaving for two months. I'm good." Now it's this month. I'm okay, but I'm not good. 

Even as recently as earlier this week, I said, "I'm fine with Frank leaving for college. It isn't as though he's climbing on a covered wagon to travel to the other side of the country where I'll never see or hear from him again."

Yeah, right.

I'm going to miss him like I'd miss one of my appendages. Trying not to dwell on it. Trying to focus solely on his next steps in life, his opportunities, all the fun he's going to have, and the friends he's going to meet. 

Today I officially go from fine to okay, as long as I don't look at the calendar.