Monday, August 31, 2009

Not Writing

It isn’t that I have writer’s block, I just haven’t had time to write. Here it is 10:34 and I don’t have time to write, still so much to do tonight before I rest.

But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
“How can you be sure it has a soul?” he said. “You can’t,” I said, “unless you’ve got one yourself.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Trip to California

My trip to California was in a word—quick. I flew in on Saturday morning and went straight to see Bud. It feels so funny not to write Bud and Ginny, but just Bud. He is doing okay, bed-ridden but his wit is sharp as ever.

I stayed with Bud for awhile and then met up with CJ in the afternoon. Later than evening I had dinner with Chris and June. It was so nice to have time to just catch up with both of them.

Sunday morning I was up and out early for breakfast with Joe. Again, it was so nice to catch up with him. We spent three hours chatting, walking along the beach, hanging out. We both commented on what good friends we are and how no matter how much time goes by, it seems as though none has.

I had to hurry back to Chris' (where I was staying) because Marie was arriving any minute. Again, being with Marie was like no time had passed whatsoever. She went with me to see Bud, which was great. I think he was disappointed that we were leaving but it was on to meet CJ. A couple hours with CJ, but more catching up with Marie and then on to dinner with Bonnie, Elaine and CJ. Marie joined us and then left to make it home before it got dark.

Funny thing is, although we've both grown up, gotten married, had kids, lived our lives, 35 years later the bottom line is, we're both still the same people we were when we met at nine years of age. I love her so much and am so glad that we've been able to stay friends, albeit sometimes out of touch ones, this long.

We went to the Quiet Woman in Corona del Mar for dinner and surprise, Sean was there. Another person I've been friends with for over twenty years. It was so great to catch up with him as well.

It was great to see friends, great to spend time with Bud, great to realize once again that I am so glad we left Southern California. While I miss everyone I got to see last weekend so much, I do not miss the lifestyle in California one little bit. Not one.

Both John, Chris' husband and Elaine asked me if I was happy, three years later, that we made the move when we did, or that we made the move at all. I answered, "If I had a vision of what our lives would be in Colorado in my head before we moved here, it is, in fact, at least one hundred times better than that." Quite a powerful statement, but true. Business could be MUCH better, but as far as lifestyle goes for our family, the friends we've met, and even the businesses we're in--one hundred times better than Southern California.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blessed Friends

Just about every day something happens that makes me purposefully think about how thankful I am for my friends. Today is no different. Yesterday I heard from five different friends throughout the day, about getting together when I’m in California this weekend. All are understanding about the purpose of my visit and willing to work around whatever and however much time I end up spending with Bud and Ginny. They are changing their schedules, driving long distances and being completely flexible in order to set aside some time that we can see each other.

Today I heard from yet another I will see while I’m there. It means so much, this effort my friends are putting forth in order to get together and touch base.

Also today I heard from two friends here, one just checking in to say hello and trying to arrange time that he and his wife can get together with Doug and I. As soon as I told him why I was going to California this weekend, his response was to let them know what works AFTER I get back and not worry about anything other than Bud and Ginny for the time being.

AND, another friend has recently referred some new business to me. She is forever bending over backwards to do whatever she can to help us, whether it is at the wine bar, or with the marketing business, picking up things she thinks I might like at the farmer’s market, or just being a friend, sounding board—she even offered to go to California with me if I needed the support.

Believe it or not, that isn’t all of it. Today I had lunch with the neighborhood ladies. There is a group that meets for birthdays every month there are birthdays to celebrate. I set aside an hour and a half for this lunch today and of course, was with them for almost three hours. They are such a wonderful bunch of women. When I was talking about the dilemma Doug and I faced Monday morning and both boys having to be at two different schools, seven miles apart at the exact same time, and me not getting back from California until later that morning—FIVE of the six offered to provide one of the rides, the sixth doesn’t drive or I’m SURE she would have volunteered to help as well. Another friend had already offered to pitch in to help last week, so we were covered already, but how nice it was of them to offer. One of them reminded me, “All of us are retired Heather, we don’t have anything to do (ha, ha), so we’d be happy to take the boys to school.” How nice and thoughtful and considerate and kind.

We are blessed, so blessed by the friends we have. So blessed.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Beckett's First Day of School

Beckett started school today. He was so excited. No tears or holding onto Mom, just anxious for me to go so he could get on with his day.
For a long time there were only your footprints and laughter in our dreams and even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever.
This is how I felt about both of my boys before they were born. Frank is a fifth grader; so grown-up and such a nice young man. I am so proud of both of them.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Bud and Ginny

Bud and Ginny are two of the most important people in the world to me, and while I haven't been as good about seeing them as I should have been, I've tried my best to keep in touch with them through the years. They never met Beckett, but did, at least, meet Frank. I call them once every six months just to check in, and talked to them yesterday.

Neither are in good health, in fact, Ginny asked me to come and see them, and to hurry. The earliest I can get there is August 15. But I am going. I can only stay two nights, it's just too hard to be away from the boys during the school year.

I've been writing about them both so much lately, and realize what an important and significant role they played in my childhood. It is likely neither will live through the year, so I will go and see them and tell them how very much I love them.