Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Trip to California

My trip to California was in a word—quick. I flew in on Saturday morning and went straight to see Bud. It feels so funny not to write Bud and Ginny, but just Bud. He is doing okay, bed-ridden but his wit is sharp as ever.

I stayed with Bud for awhile and then met up with CJ in the afternoon. Later than evening I had dinner with Chris and June. It was so nice to have time to just catch up with both of them.

Sunday morning I was up and out early for breakfast with Joe. Again, it was so nice to catch up with him. We spent three hours chatting, walking along the beach, hanging out. We both commented on what good friends we are and how no matter how much time goes by, it seems as though none has.

I had to hurry back to Chris' (where I was staying) because Marie was arriving any minute. Again, being with Marie was like no time had passed whatsoever. She went with me to see Bud, which was great. I think he was disappointed that we were leaving but it was on to meet CJ. A couple hours with CJ, but more catching up with Marie and then on to dinner with Bonnie, Elaine and CJ. Marie joined us and then left to make it home before it got dark.

Funny thing is, although we've both grown up, gotten married, had kids, lived our lives, 35 years later the bottom line is, we're both still the same people we were when we met at nine years of age. I love her so much and am so glad that we've been able to stay friends, albeit sometimes out of touch ones, this long.

We went to the Quiet Woman in Corona del Mar for dinner and surprise, Sean was there. Another person I've been friends with for over twenty years. It was so great to catch up with him as well.

It was great to see friends, great to spend time with Bud, great to realize once again that I am so glad we left Southern California. While I miss everyone I got to see last weekend so much, I do not miss the lifestyle in California one little bit. Not one.

Both John, Chris' husband and Elaine asked me if I was happy, three years later, that we made the move when we did, or that we made the move at all. I answered, "If I had a vision of what our lives would be in Colorado in my head before we moved here, it is, in fact, at least one hundred times better than that." Quite a powerful statement, but true. Business could be MUCH better, but as far as lifestyle goes for our family, the friends we've met, and even the businesses we're in--one hundred times better than Southern California.

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