Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day

For the past thirty-six years, I have enthusiastically exercised my right to vote. More often than not, my personal desired outcome did not win the majority vote. I had to live with it. Some of what was voted in worked in my favor. Some did not. Some of our elected officials were people I could support. Some were not.

A little over eight years ago, I watched President Obama's acceptance speech on the night of the election. Let me clarify. I started watching it. When he said, "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there." I stopped watching. I would've stopped watching regardless of who uttered those words. What I heard was "I'm not sure I can get the things done I said I would." What disappointed me the most, was he chose to make that statement on election night. 

What I didn't do was disparage him in every public forum available to me at the time. I kept my opinion to myself, and stopped watching. I felt disheartened by the statement. That's it. No hate, no anger to spew. I just felt disheartened. Maybe he didn't mean it the way I took it, but that doesn't matter, and never will. I heard it the way I heard it, and my reaction is what determines my opinion. My opinion—two important words. They should be two important words to everyone.

What disheartens me the most today, is the violence. Up second are those who relentlessly disparage every institution that defines our nation.

I pray things will get better for ALL of us. I pray we see some of the campaign promises materialize, without caveat. I pray we will put America first. I feel as though it's been a very long time since we've done that. There are people in this country who are suffering unimaginably, they are VETERANS, who in my opinion, should come before aid to any other country. I'd also like to see health care be affordable for everyone. Everyone. Personally I know too many small business owners who are also struggling unimaginably, many of whom had to give up the business that likely was their dream, due to health care reform. It worked for a lot of people. And for a lot of people, it didn't work.
There are other things I hope happen. I hope we, as a country, see job growth that is reflective of jobs that pay a living wage. When one person has to take on three jobs in order to earn what one job had paid him or her in the past, that is not job growth. Particularly when the initial job included benefits that the individual must now cover him or herself. Is it possible? I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical about a lot of things. What I've learned over the course of the past thirty-six years, is that campaign promises go unkept. Idealistic intentions are hard to turn into reality.

I can't watch the news coverage of the events taking place in our nation's capital. I simply can't. And that too, is my right.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

With Change Come Tears

Yesterday Frank began his final semester as a high school student. He also began his third semester as a Berklee Online student. I didn't cry. I'm not crying now, but I anticipate the tears will come unexpectedly. When Doug let Frank sit at the head of the table on New Year's Eve, I cried. I teared up periodically throughout dinner, much to the chagrin of my family. But hell with it, I'm emotional. And I cry. If they haven't figured that out by now, they've been in a coma. I'm tired of apologizing for it.

Perhaps that should be my resolution for 2017. I'll cry whenever the spirit moves me, without apology or shame. In fact, not crying should be more shameful than crying. I'm able to express my feelings. It's a strength, not a weakness.

We are in midst of the countdown to the hour Frank finds out whether he got into Berklee or not. When asked if he's anxious, he consistently says he's not. It is what it is, he explains. And he's right. There are options, although I think all of us are staying positive.

It is hard to believe that sweet baby boy we welcomed into the world seventeen and a half years ago is about to graduate from high school and soon, leave for college. I know I'm not the first parent to say this, I'm sure EVERY parent says it. 

I'm already thinking about vacations and school breaks, and how long he'll be able to be home between semesters, but then I do tend to get ahead of myself. I've been purposeful in reminding myself that there are months between now and the time we drop him off at college, and not to wish those away, or not savor every moment between now and then.

And so time marches on, as it always does . . . and tears will come, as they always do.

Happy 2017!