Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Who is Heather Slade?

It's been over a month since I've posted on my blog . . . almost two as a matter of fact, but I have a good reason for not writing. It's because I've been writing.

I made some major decisions about my writing career over the course of the last several weeks, inspired by another author who I've called my author/mentor/guru/fairy godmother. I contacted her via a mutual friend to ask a question.

And then every single thing in my life as an author changed, and she is responsible for designing/creating all of it, except the content of my books (yeah, that's still me). 

She, by the way, is author Becky McGraw. Her photography also graces the cover of The Promise, and another book in the series that hasn't been announced yet.

I have a new pen name: Heather Slade. For those who have known me longer than twenty years, it's a familiar name, since it's my maiden name.

I have a new website: heatherslade.com

I have a new book series out . . . Butler Ranch. The first book in that series, The Promise, released on June 23, and the second in the series, The Truce, releases July 31.  The third book in the series, The Secret, is available for pre-order.

I have rewritten the Cowboys of Crested Butte series, and those books will start re-releasing with new titles, new covers, and new content. Fall for Me releases August 28. Oh, and Fall for Me is the first book that is available from retailers other than Amazon. A very big deal for me.

Let's see, what else is new? I have a new author Facebook page, Twitter page, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and . . . and this one is probably one of the most exciting (to me) . . . a YouTube channel. On that YouTube channel there are two book trailers, one for The Promise and one for Fall for Me

My author/mentor/guru/fairy godmother (Becky) created the trailer for The Promise, and every time I watch it, I tear up. 

Frank did the trailer for Fall for Me.  Given it's Frank's first book trailer, I think he did an amazing job (he's been a Premiere guru for about four years, finally able to work his magic on a project that wasn't for LPSD). Depending on when you read this, it may still be its first iteration, or he may have made changes to it, but either way, he did a great job.

Oh, and I have a new kick-ass team helping me, Rockstar PR and Literary Agency. Between them and Becky, I've learned more in two months about indie publishing than I could have learned in a lifetime on my own.

I think that about covers it. I'm writing up a storm, so that's why I'm not here as much. But now that I've actually posted something, maybe I'll remember to come back sooner next time.