Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Frank went to a Lutheran elementary school when we lived in California. When we moved to Colorado, we didn't, or haven't, established any kind of relationship with a church.

Beckett doesn't have as many options for summer camps as Frank does this summer, so one of Beck's friends' moms suggested Vacation Bible School. She has enrolled her son in several since they are inexpensive and pretty good camps. I decided to try one out this year. We chose St. Peter's, a catholic church around the corner from the Art Market. What they must think of us!!

Before his first day I sat Beck down and told him about mass each day. From 11:30 to 12:00 each day of the summer camp they go to mass. Beck hasn't been in church since he was two, so he doesn't know how to behave in that environment. We talked it over and he agreed to be quiet and not fool around during "church." So when I picked him up after camp on Monday I asked him out "church" went. He said it was "good." I asked him what they did.

Beck: We went in and said hello to God. And the girls said hello to Mary.
Me: Who is Mary Beck?
Beck: God's mother.
Me: Who is Jesus?
Beck: Ummm, God?
Me: Jesus is God's son and Mary is Jesus' mother.
Beck: Oh yeah. We saw her God necklace.
Me: Mary's God necklace? Do you mean her rosary?
Beck: Yeah, it has the God sign on it.
Me: Do you mean the cross?
Beck: Yeah, that's the God sign.
Me: Do you know why the cross is the God sign?
Beck: I don't remember.
Me: Because Jesus died on the cross.
(Beck looks out the window for a few seconds and doesn't say anything, then he finally speaks.)
Beck: Mom . . . what's for dinner?

Later that night.
Me: Beck did you pray during church today? (He nods his head affirmatively.)
Me: What did you do when you prayed? (Beck gets off his chair and walks over to the carpet and kneels.)
Beck: We did this and then we did the sign language. (He crosses himself.)
I asked him if he bowed his head and closed his eyes too. He responded that he and one of the second graders did but no one else did. (???)

The next afternoon (yesterday), I picked Beck up and again asked how his day was.
Beck: Good. Today we said hello to Jesus.
Me: And who is Jesus again?
Beck: He's our father-in-law.
Me (trying REALLY hard not to laugh): Do you mean our father-in-heaven?
Beck: Oh yeah. And Mary's our mother-in-law.
Me: Again, mother-in-heaven?
Beck. Yeah. We did the sign language again too. (He crosses himself and says) Father, Son and . . .
Me: Holy Ghost?
Beck (his eyes get as big as saucers): NO M-O-O-M-M, there aren't any GHOSTS in church!!!
Me (afraid he is going to start crying he is so upset): Oops, I mean Holy Spirit.
Beck (much relief): Yeah that's it. And a man.
Me (takes me a minute): Do you mean amen?
Beck: Yeah, that's it. Amen.

Amen indeed.