Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rumor Has It

. . . that I get to go back to work today or tomorrow! Two weeks ago today I got word that Social Survival Skill’s contract at the academy was being challenged. The challenge didn’t have anything to do with us, but it meant that we couldn’t work until the challenge was resolved. Initially the powers at be told us they thought it might be a week or so, however, I have enough experience with government contracts to know a week could easily mean three or four weeks. 
I got word a few minutes ago that we should receive word soon that we can go back to work. Thus, the subject line of this post. I’m not making a single assumption. I’m hoping the rumor is substantiated, that we can go back to work, and the challenge is put to rest. 
Next week we have two classes to teach and an event, so those who have had to cover for us in this work stoppage are going to be at least as relieved as we are to see us back in the office.
Can’t wait. Honestly. Can’t wait.

Thirty-One Days in a Row

I figured out last night, that if Frank qualifies for states this coming weekend, which he may very well do since he’s less than a second off state time in 100 fly, it’ll be something like 31 days in a row I’ve had to get up and out of the house before 7am. Most days I come back home by 7:15am, because those are drop off at school days. But the Saturday and Sunday meets are tough.

I’m optimistic and hopeful despite the early mornings, since this will be such a huge accomplishment for Frank, who has been swimming two years this weekend. When he started he was in the lowest group, even though he was twice as tall as any other kid in it. He persevered, didn’t give up even though he was embarrassed about his ability versus his age. He worked hard, really hard. Soon he moved up two levels within his same group, and then moved up to the next group. It all happened in less than a year. Now he is on what they call the Junior National Performance team, there is only one more level he can achieve and he is working hard to do so.

What I admire most about Frank is he just goes and does it. He doesn’t need a friend along, he doesn’t even need a friend on the team, he just goes and does the work. Not all teens are so willing to do something new in the face of assured embarrassment. He made friends along with they way, good friends, who I predict he will stay friends with for the rest of his life.   

The early mornings are tough, especially that 6:00am practice on Saturday morning, but the rewards for me as a mom are worth every groggy morning. After all, I get to come back home and get back in bed. Frank has to swim for two hours. 

As with most mornings, most days, and most nights . . . I feel incredibly blessed that I get to be the mother of two amazing boys, who fill my heart with joy and love until I feel as though it will burst.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Could you hear the music?


I read this book a little over a year ago, and I still remember how I felt when I did. It is a brilliant little book—beautiful, inspiring, filled with things I wish Id written.

There is also a website, that I can easily get lost in, clicking on the FIND A RANDOM ENTRY link. When I did, just now, the quote I found was "And then my soul saw you and and it kind of went 'Oh there you are. Ive been looking for you.'"

This one, the one that was posted on Facebook today, speaks straight to my heart. I am purposeful in hearing the music every day. There isn’t a thing I want to miss. If I hadn’t ever looked at this book, all the wonderful things I would’ve missed. The way the author thinks about things, the inspiration that one, or two, or twenty simple lines of prose coupled with a beautiful photographic image, would have been something I never had the joy of experiencing. 

I’m in a place where I’m thinking about the importance of each day, making the most of it, never forgetting to say "I love you." But even if I weren’t, if I allowed myself to fall back into the rhythm of life where paying more attention to the things that irritate me took precedence over being mindful of the joy, this book would bring me right back where I want to be.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Very Sad Day

A few weeks ago, not long after I finished And Then You Fall, and was writing about it being on Amazon, and receiving books in the mail and about all the other book-related things I was excited about, I ran into a friend, a fellow parent, at Prairie Winds.
It was a teacher conference day, and we both came from different sides of the main hallway. When she saw me, she ran over to me and threw her arms around me. It startled me, I have to be honest about that. I was more startled when I saw she was crying.
Smiling through her tears she said, "I am so proud of you." I remember her enunciating every word. "You have inspired me to get back into painting," she continued. She went on, talking more about creative motivation and how hard it is to find some days.
We promised to get together, to talk about it, we didn’t. I learned today, just a short while ago, that she passed away. I hadn't known she was sick.

Once again, the painful reminder, don’t wait. Don’t wait to see your friends, spend time with them and your family. Tell those you love that you do. Write, paint, do all the things you want to do, and don’t seem to be able to find the time to. 

Life is so painfully short.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Little Glitch

I’ve had a little glitch in my new contract. The previous contractor has contested the award, and I don’t know exactly what that will mean, or how long it might take to sort out. I’m hoping not long, but doubt it will be as quickly as anyone would like.

In the meantime, I have plenty to do, as I always do. I’m this close to wrapping up AND THEN YOU KISS, which is enormously exciting. As I often do, I have the next book ready to start, and the one after that is entering plot stages. I love this series so much, and am excited that there will be two more in it, when originally I thought it would only be three.

As much as DANCE was different than FALL, KISS is very different too. The fourth book will also be very different in terms of storytelling.

It’s been interesting, from that perspective, to see how different my approach has been in each book I’ve written. As a writer, I wasn’t sure if I would fall back on the same techniques or, as has happened, the story would drive how the book was written. As it is, I don’t think a lot about the how, I just write. As I’ve said time and time again, my books aren’t intended to be the next great American novels. They’re sweet, and fun, and romantic little books. And I love writing them. 

As I write this post, I am picturing some literati stumbling on this blog, reading this post and rolling his or her eyes, or becoming very annoyed with my light-hearted approach. He or she can get over it. There are plenty of authors whose books I stopped reading because they lacked the right sort of plot for me, or I felt as though I was reading the same story over and over again, with different names inserted for new characters. That was my preogative, as choosing not to read my books, is theirs. 

So back to the good news . . . as of right now, I have some extra time to write. And I will take full advantage of it.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

It Feels Like Forever

I don’t know exactly how long it’s been since I’ve written on this blog. In fact, I’m not even certain what day it is. 

The new routine I’ve found myself living, hasn’t settled in yet. I’m hoping that by the end of February, it’ll fall into a manageable rhythm. Right now, it’s downright painful, as evidenced by the fact that I don’t know what day it is.

There is a lot of spin-up. Days are spent getting information from one place to another, without the ability to log-on to a computer system until all of the necessary credentials have been issued. There are meetings to go to, procedures to figure out, and a lot of sitting around waiting. Soon I hope to not be sitting, or waiting.

This morning there was a weather delay, which turned into a snow day for the boys. Not for me, however, but that was okay. Tomorrow will be a long day, with an event in the evening. I’m ready for it, so I don’t have any stress about it. That is half the battle, or where most of the stress comes from . . . not being in a position of being responsible for my own stuff. I’m feeling closer, so that is positive.

Since there was a delay, I wrote a little this morning. Last week (and maybe the week before), I was having plot issues. I usually run into this right around page 150. In this book it was page 137. Watching the dismal Super Bowl, or the first quarter of it, resulted in the breakthrough. I would’ve done just about anything to not think about the game. And voila, instead ideas sprang forth and the block was broken.

I love this book. I love them all. Thrilled to be done early enough tonight to get a little more writing in before sleep overtakes me.