Wednesday, February 05, 2014

It Feels Like Forever

I don’t know exactly how long it’s been since I’ve written on this blog. In fact, I’m not even certain what day it is. 

The new routine I’ve found myself living, hasn’t settled in yet. I’m hoping that by the end of February, it’ll fall into a manageable rhythm. Right now, it’s downright painful, as evidenced by the fact that I don’t know what day it is.

There is a lot of spin-up. Days are spent getting information from one place to another, without the ability to log-on to a computer system until all of the necessary credentials have been issued. There are meetings to go to, procedures to figure out, and a lot of sitting around waiting. Soon I hope to not be sitting, or waiting.

This morning there was a weather delay, which turned into a snow day for the boys. Not for me, however, but that was okay. Tomorrow will be a long day, with an event in the evening. I’m ready for it, so I don’t have any stress about it. That is half the battle, or where most of the stress comes from . . . not being in a position of being responsible for my own stuff. I’m feeling closer, so that is positive.

Since there was a delay, I wrote a little this morning. Last week (and maybe the week before), I was having plot issues. I usually run into this right around page 150. In this book it was page 137. Watching the dismal Super Bowl, or the first quarter of it, resulted in the breakthrough. I would’ve done just about anything to not think about the game. And voila, instead ideas sprang forth and the block was broken.

I love this book. I love them all. Thrilled to be done early enough tonight to get a little more writing in before sleep overtakes me. 

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