Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Little Glitch

I’ve had a little glitch in my new contract. The previous contractor has contested the award, and I don’t know exactly what that will mean, or how long it might take to sort out. I’m hoping not long, but doubt it will be as quickly as anyone would like.

In the meantime, I have plenty to do, as I always do. I’m this close to wrapping up AND THEN YOU KISS, which is enormously exciting. As I often do, I have the next book ready to start, and the one after that is entering plot stages. I love this series so much, and am excited that there will be two more in it, when originally I thought it would only be three.

As much as DANCE was different than FALL, KISS is very different too. The fourth book will also be very different in terms of storytelling.

It’s been interesting, from that perspective, to see how different my approach has been in each book I’ve written. As a writer, I wasn’t sure if I would fall back on the same techniques or, as has happened, the story would drive how the book was written. As it is, I don’t think a lot about the how, I just write. As I’ve said time and time again, my books aren’t intended to be the next great American novels. They’re sweet, and fun, and romantic little books. And I love writing them. 

As I write this post, I am picturing some literati stumbling on this blog, reading this post and rolling his or her eyes, or becoming very annoyed with my light-hearted approach. He or she can get over it. There are plenty of authors whose books I stopped reading because they lacked the right sort of plot for me, or I felt as though I was reading the same story over and over again, with different names inserted for new characters. That was my preogative, as choosing not to read my books, is theirs. 

So back to the good news . . . as of right now, I have some extra time to write. And I will take full advantage of it.

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