Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Missin' My Boy

My Frankie is at Grandma's for a couple of days and he is sorely missed around here. Nothing seems the same without his non-stop chatter and editorializing. Beckett has been wandering the house calling for "Ba" which seems to be his name for his brother. Thankfully he will be home tomorrow, although it will be at least two more days before "our" Frankie returns. He will come home from his visit to Grandma's house tired and peevish.

I'm so thankful each of my boys have been "schedule" kids. Both slept through the night relatively early and were/are consistent nappers. Beckett takes morning and afternoon naps and then sleeps from 7:30 until 6:30 every night. It is always evident when they don't get enough sleep because they're just not themselves, and that's when peevish comes to play. Probably true for mom too, and as I'm faced with a late night of work, I would imagine it will be an all-around peevish house tomorrow.

Frank heard on the news that there had been an earthquake in Indonesia. He asked Grandma to call me and said, "Mama—did you have an earthquake there?" I hadn't been paying much attention, but I didn't think so and asked him if they had felt one. (Grandma lives about forty miles from us.) He said they hadn't, but he heard the newscaster say there was an earthquake on Sumatra. I explained we did live on Sumatra, but the street, not the island. He said, "Oh, I get it now." Evidently Grandma had explained the same thing, but if he thinks for even a split second that someone isn't being completely straight with him, he has to run it by mama to confirm.

I can't wait until he's back home.

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