Friday, November 25, 2005

Quiet Thanksgiving

We had a quiet, but very nice Thanksgiving this year. It was just Doug, the boys, my mom and I. It kind of snuck up on me this year. I didn’t get my turkey until Tuesday!!

I had CJ call Trader Joes to see if they had any “non-frozen” turkeys. The guy on the phone said they had some that were ”$9.99, no matter how much they weigh,” and they had “a ton of them.” Fifteen minutes later when I arrived at Trader Joes and asked where the turkeys were, I was told they had sold out of the $9.99 turkeys “days ago.” Naturally I recounted the telephone call from only a short time earlier, and the manager kindly gave me one of the “other” turkeys at the advertised price.

Throughout the week, CJ, Frank and Beck did Thanksgiving crafts, one of which was making turkey napkin rings out of construction paper. They were great! And we used them! And boy, was Frank proud.

Yesterday (Thanksgiving) morning I got up at 7:00, got everything going, and we ate at 3:00. And it was pretty much as simple as that, and I’m not sure why. It just sorta fell together. It was, of course, Frank’s
best Thanksgiving ever, he said.

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