Friday, March 09, 2007

March 21, the First Day of Spring

It is official, we're opening on March 21st, the first day of Spring. Things are GREAT, the market gets better every single day. I marvel at least once an hour at how our dream is coming true. People stop in to find out when we're opening and then sheepishly ask if there are any opportunities for pre-opening purchases. Our sign and an "Opening . . . " banner will go up early next week, and at this point I think we're only waiting for three or four more shipments of merchandise to arrive.

I am overwhelmed, stressed out, concerned about everything I need to get done, but having fun still throughout it all. I LOVE the things we're selling, and that makes it all so easy to do. When someone comes in and comments on a particular piece, I have sincere passion and enthusiasm about whichever piece it is, and it is a wonderful feeling.

An artist stopped in yesterday to say she was in another gallery in town, a prominent one, but wanted to be with us instead. She said she had an agreement not to sell the work in the other gallery for six months, but had enough inventory of other stuff to provide us with different work and sit on the other inventory for a while after she took it out of the other place. I don't know for certain if we'll take her on, but it is certainly a good feeling to have someone say these things when we're not even open yet. The crazy thing is the other gallery is having an opening for her that begins tonight. Even still, she was almost desperate to be in our place rather than theirs. I felt for her, and obviously we wouldn't do anything until her other show ended, which will be more than a month from now.

I've gotten more active (already) in the town merchant's association than I want to be, but circumstances are such that I simply cannot give them the time they'd like no matter what since I have so much still to do before we open.

With that, I'm off to get ready, get the boys ready and head over there. If you haven't already, check out our website at Oh, and plan a visit to Monument, okay?

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