Monday, April 27, 2009


This is the fourth night I haven't been able to sleep. The last day/night I slept was Wednesday, when after my endoscopy and the drugs that go along with it put me in a coma and I slept for 24 hours. Prior to that, slept like a baby, every night, all night, couldn't get enough sleep. For those of you who have known me a long time, yes, I'm talking about me. I slept like a baby, from the time the boys went to sleep (and sometimes before), until sometimes 7am. I know--shocking.

It's affecting my work, my patience, my thought processes, my sanity. I haven't had insomnia in years, and then, I had so much work, and worked at home, it was hard to know whether it was insomnia or work-induced ocd.

Not long after we moved here and opened the gallery, friends from California, an artist we did a show for and her husband, came to visit. At dinner one night, David asked Doug if I had REALLY slowed down since we moved here and Doug's response was, "Well ... now she sleeps."

I have to sleep. I want to sleep. I want to sleep for ten hours. I want to fall asleep and not wake up until 9 tomorrow morning, and the boys will be late for school, and I won't care, because I was sleeping. I suppose that is a dream I can only have if I'm SLEEPING.

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