Monday, July 06, 2009

Where's the Groove?

I can’t seem to find a groove to get back into. Okay, we’ve only been home thirty-two hours, so perhaps I’m pushing myself a little too hard.

Worked today, but didn’t get half done what I wanted to get done and know that whenever I come out of this fog, I’ll realize I have a thousand things to do and will wonder what in the hell I was thinking by not getting it all done.

Frank leaves for Eagle Lake this coming Sunday and will be gone until Friday. It’s his second year at summer camp but it’s still hard for me to let him go. I’ll worry every day. Last year I could go online and look at photos of him, and while they were a day or two old, at least I could see he was alive. I’m not really as worried as I make it sound, it’s just hard to let my babies go.

When we were on vacation there was a moment when I pictured them in my mind three or four years from now, wondering what our family vacations would be like then. Probably more trying, unless we figure out the “groove” of a vacation that they both enjoy. We’re such a unit, the four of us, and even though there are times when they are serious rascals, the reality is they fight far less than most siblings do, of that I’m sure, as I have been in the company of other families whose kids fight ten times (or more) more than our’s do.

Lightning storm, better sign off and shut down now.

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