Sunday, October 11, 2009

Doug is sick. So sick he can't talk. Bad cold. We haven't really left the house in the last two days, which has been nice. Yesterday I did nothing more than lay around. Around 6:00pm I had to run down to the wine bar to show the staff how to change the fuse in the cooler, which had blown. Ten minutes later I was back home, back in my pjs and back under the covers. It was bliss.

Today I did about the same. The boys and I ran to Walmart this morning, and Kohl's, Blockbuster and the Art Market, we were gone a total of one hour. It was good to get out of the house and then good to get back into the house.

I watched a movie, a whole movie, and guiltily thought about what I wasn't getting done through most of it. Then I made a pot of half-caf/half-decaf coffee and got to it. I've finished three fairly big marketing projects, done ten loads of laundry, baked cookies and put a rack of lamb in the oven. Crazy as it sounds, I'd like to get a lot more done tonight so tomorrow I can relax a bit, not have that non-stop gnawing feeling that there is so much to do. Although with me, there's always so much to do that feeling is rarely dispelled.

It is cold here in Monument, really cold. I think last year I wrote about the winter storm we get in October and how it is a good thing because it reminds me to get the hats and gloves, boots and jackets out of storage and into operation. I feel the same this year, I don't mind the cold weather at all, in fact, this weekend, it meant I got to relax and lay low a lot more than I probably would have had it been sunny and warm.

We're off to New York in a couple of weeks, it still feels so far away. Again, so much to do before we go. So many commitments to honor, projects to finish, classes to teach, work to do.

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