Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Most Beautiful Thing I've Never Written

There is a book I’m obsessed with titled, I Wrote This For You. It is a collection of photographs, with complementary messages. I read it over a year ago, and I still visit the website often to see what’s new.

Today’s post is:

Its easy.You just wake up and say, "Today I will write the most beautiful thing I’ve ever written."Then you fail and go to bed.Then you wake up and say it again.

There is so much about this book I love, but one of my favorite things, is that the images aren’t what I’d choose. Which means they aren’t immediately obvious in conjunction with what is written. It doesnt match, but it isn't a juxtaposition either. So . . . perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Here is the link, if you want to see more:

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