Thursday, June 05, 2014

Mowglis Last Night

We went to see the Mowglis at the Black Sheep last night. It’s the second time we’ve seen them. They’re a great band to see live, and based on the three new songs they played last night, their new album is going to equal their first. 

It seemed as though there were a couple band members missing since the last time we saw them, but their energy level was as high, the music as good (or better), and judging by the crowd, the show was as much or more fun than the first we saw last year.

I am typically among the oldest people at these types of shows, however, I do not sit off on the side on the benches (or in last night’s case, stand on the benches). Im right in there with Frank, or whoever I go to concerts with, dancing and singing my face off. 

One benefit of being my age (over 21 that is), at these shows is there is often no line at the bar, and sometimes if you get really lucky, one of the band members is standing there getting a drink the same time you are, and you're the only one who recognizes them. If the timing is right, I offer to buy them a drink, which usually ends with a photo or two with them, along with a very nice conversation, and much appreciation. Because, quite honestly, I’m probably one of the few who does recognize them AND is over 21, so someone buying them a drink doesn’t happen that often. Also, these types of bands, playing small venues, often aren’t raking in the dough. So again, someone buying them a drink is appreciated from that perspective as well. 

This is a big week for us for concerts. Tomorrow night is John Butler Trio at Red Rocks. I’m still on the fence about that one. Saturday is rodeo (not a concert but . . .), Sunday is the Fray at Red Rocks, and next Saturday we have VIP tickets to see OAR at Red Rocks, which means a meet and greet. I’m exhausted thinking about it, only because I didn’t get much sleep last night. By tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll be rarin’ to go again. Frank and I judge the success of a concert by whether or not we have a voice at the end of the night, and whether or not we danced our faces off . . . and I’m sure the next few concerts will be among the best we’ve ever seen.

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