Thursday, July 17, 2014


I make an effort to write only positive things on my blog, mainly because when weeks, or months, or years go by and I go back and read old posts where Ive complained about something, I cant remember what I was upset about. And then it bums me out that I reminded myself of something I wanted to forget.

I’ve got a situation now that really bums me out. And I’m at a loss as to what to do about it. It involves office politics, which I have always sucked at. There is a person I have to work with every so often, and run into every so often, that clearly detests me. And when I say detests me, I mean she won’t speak to me unless there are witnesses to our exchange. If I say hello to her, she glares at me, doesn’t speak, and keeps walking. Each time it happens I am dumbfounded as to how one human being can treat another human being so abhorrently. 

The biggest issue I have, is I have no idea why she feels strongly enough to bother. I mean, there are plenty of people I don’t like, but I can muster up a hello, or even a wave. To act the way she does, clearly indicates her feelings are beyond simply not caring for my face. 

We work together seldom, but we do work together. And in the weeks and months to come, we’ll work together more. 

Yesterday I posted something on FB about remembering that my life is good, and not everyone’s is. I don’t know much about this person’s circumstances, but I want to be empathetic and try to understand where the behavior is coming from. When it comes to my kids and my husband, I learned a long time ago that often it isn’t the behavior that is concerning, it is the motivation behind the behavior. I wish I understood this individual’s motivation.

It is the singular thing that makes my life unpleasant. Otherwise, I love the various things I do, and I am thankful every day to get to do them. If you happen to read this blog post and have any suggestions, words of wisdom for me, I welcome them. Sometimes I get too close to a situation and can’t see the forest for the trees. 

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