Thursday, January 29, 2015

One Step Forward, Twenty-Seven Steps Back

Twenty-seven might be an exaggeration, but todays step count included more in the wrong direction than the right one. I need to get an updated CAC and proximity badge. Three visits to the office that makes that happen were unsuccessful. The last advice I was given was to arrive at 7:30 tomorrow morning, and I’d be first in line. Yay. Just what I wanted to do. But I will, because the current ones expire on Saturday. And I am absolutely, positively NOT a last minute kind of girl, which makes the day I had all the more perplexing.

Some days, no matter how hard you try, just don’t go right. Its a fact of life. So here I sit, with an endless list of things I was going to accomplish today staring me in the face, and absolutely no energy to tackle any of it. Obsessive-perfectionist me looks at the clock and sees the number of hours still available before a reasonable bedtime. Balance-achieving me looks at the clock and sees that it is an hour most people transition from business-mode to home-mode, and I should allow myself to go with the flow guilt-free.

Wonder who will win out?

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