Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Linger - Book Two

The final version of Linger-Book Two, is uploading today for release on March 1. I have so many mixed feelings about the release of this book.

First, is panic. I've written six books in such a short amount of time that I now feel overwhelmed by them. Once this book is out, I need to take a breather, focus on marketing both book series, and spend some time on the business of being an author, rather than writing. It's hard. It's also why I have an agent. She can at least attempt to keep me on track, and ticking things off the to-do list before I start writing another book.

Second, and this is a feeling I have whenever I look at or read part of one of my books. I love this book. I really love it. I love the characters, and the story, and what I see in my head when I read a single scene in this book. It fills me with an indescribable warmth, and then I think to myself . . . what I'd really like to do (right this very minute), is stop what I'm supposed to be doing, and read it. 

Third, is longing. I long to get back into this story, and write the ending. The three books in this series make up a trilogy, with a mystery, that doesn't solve until the end of book three. I really don't like authors that do this, but that isn't why I want to write the third book. It's because (once again), I love these characters SO much. The main male character in book three is based on a friend who is very dear to me, someone I've known since I was in middle school. I can't wait to spend time with this character, and the others in the book, and mainly, get to hang out in East Aurora again. 

Fourth is . . . guilt. Because whenever I'm not writing, or not working on marketing, or updating the website . . . that is what I feel. I'm feeling it right now, because instead of finalizing the book, or doing any of the other things I should be doing, I'm writing on this blog. I often wish there was an off-button for guilt. And that should be the subject of another blog post . . . finding the off-button.

As I've now succeeded in making what felt good, feel terrible, I suppose I should go back to the work I'm supposed to be doing. And then, of course, I'll be plagued by the guilt over not updating the blog often enough (she said with a wink).

1 comment:

Bgmama said...

Yes, I yearn to know what's going on in East Aurora, maybee cause it was the first, or that it is some what your past & I can bee a part of that! 😘