Friday, April 03, 2015

Eighteen Months

March 31 marked eighteen months since my first book was published. I remember every bit of the excitement I felt seeing my first book published. I remember the Facebook messages I got that day, congratulating me.

March 31 also marked the end of my best month of book sales ever, by far. Almost five thousand people read or purchased my books in March. The sales surge started February 28, and while it's slowed down a lot, I still average over sixty books a day in sales. VERY exciting.

One month ago, I wrote a blog post about having an angel on my shoulder. Every day something happens reminding me that she is there. Yesterday it dawned on me that if the March sales surge hadn't happened, I would still be doubting whether it would be plausible for me to attempt writing full time. It isn't that I'm not concerned about making a living as a full-time writer, it's more that I'm less concerned. I know what it will take to make it a reality . . . writing more. It's as simple as that. 

It remains difficult to find time to write, with everything I still have going on. Case in point, I started this blog post three days ago, and didn't find time to finish it until just now. I'm not feeling great today . . . there is a cold circulating its way through our family. Most recently, Doug had it. Now Frank and I do, and both of us are down for the count. I'm writing this while snuggled up in bed, on my laptop. In between naps today, I may even find time to work on DARE. 

I write often about when I started writing. It will be three years in August. It is likely I'll have at least one more book finished by then, maybe two. What is more amazing to me, is that it's only been eighteen months since I published my first book . . . six books in eighteen months, a book every three months. 

There are lots of authors who write and release books that often. There are also lots of authors who write one book every five years. And there's Harper Lee, who writes one book in fifty years. Thank goodness for all three author types, right?

I'm thrilled beyond words effective enough, that today, and yesterday and the day before that . . . over sixty people bought one of my books. It is mind-bogglingly wonderful. I hope that eighteen months from now, it is still happening.

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