Thursday, June 04, 2015

Accomplishment vs. No Accomplishment

There are days that I look at the clock and cant believe its already 1:59pm. Like today. Didnt I just get up? Wasnt it 8:30 just five minutes ago? On the surface, I haven’t done a damn thing all day. Upon closer inspection, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.

I did, after all, sleep in until 8:30. That is a HUGE accomplishment for someone who in the past couldn’t sleep past 6:00am. I also sold something we had posted on Craigslist. That involved a couple of phone calls, and five minute exchange of product and $$.

I had focused conversations with people in my family. With Doug’s help, researched, chose, researched again, and finally purchased Frank’s birthday gift. I’d be the one most likely to buy him a gift card or something equally uninteresting. Doug, on the other hand, comes up with REALLY GREAT gift ideas. Frank is going to love it. It’s going to be highly useful, and the best part . . . never in a million years would Frank dream he’d be getting this gift (and no, it’s not a car).

I also scanned and downloaded some documents we needed to send to someone . . . a task that would’ve taken the better part of a day . . . but since I’m a very accomplished organizer, and Doug and I have a firm grasp on how technology can make our lives easier, the whole process took under an hour.

Oh, and I checked email, made a hair appointment. And ate lunch. 

In the words of Elizabeth Bennet, "[those are], I suppose,  . . . small accomplishment[s]."

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