Saturday, March 19, 2016

Twenty Days

No, I'm not counting wrong. Twenty days until we close. The sellers moved the date up by a week. We're still going away, we need to, but when we get back, it'll be full-steam ahead.

Yesterday we "finalized" budgets, and decided what we're going to buy now and what we can wait on. A few days after spring break, we'll start shopping and arranging for things to be delivered.

The wait has been painful, but in contrast, the sellers on our house in California wanted a FOUR MONTH escrow and then wanted to extend it. We were a mess by then . . . and getting married in five months. We denied extending it; we needed to move on with our lives.

I've written several times over the course of the last year about feeling unsettled. Twenty more days. I hope. Could be longer for the unsettle to actually settle. But by summer, I hope to have the final book in the LINGER series well underway.  And maybe be started on the sixth book in the Crested Book Cowboy series.

Twenty days . . . 

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