Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Two Days

How did we get from over a month to two days? We close on the new house Thursday. This Thursday. It seems as though a minute ago we had weeks of waiting to get through. It helped that the closing was moved up eight days. Now here it is. Upon us.

This isn't the first house we've bought, but we hope it will be one of the last. We love it, and it is set up in such a way that when it is just Doug and me, it'll still work. I'm sure there will come a point that we downsize. Doug says ultimately we'll end up in a trailer in Huntington Beach. Uh, okay. Maybe that is exactly what will happen. Waking up near the ocean, little maintenance or upkeep . . . and the freedom to do whatever we want. That sounds pretty good. In the meantime, we have two boys to continue raising to be successful, independent adults, and making sure Charlotte is happy, healthy and enjoying the rest of her days. We'll do it all in the house that will be ours on Thursday.

As anyone who knows me might imagine, we are very well organized for this move. I wake up every day and let my mind wander to what I can get done for the move. That list grows shorter and shorter. The calm before the storm I suppose. Doug has a plan for what will go over to the house on Thursday and Friday, and what we can unpack and set up over the weekend. The movers will then finish it up on Tuesday. 

In the middle of it, Doug's uncle, Charlotte's brother and his wife are visiting. Thus we have to keep this house functional and comfortable until the movers do their job. We've managed to keep most of the house, with the exception of the front living room and formal dining room, functional and box-free. 

One bay of the garage is almost full, which means if we get another snow storm in the next week, Frank will have to clean off his car. None are predicted that I know of, and at this time of the year we're all hoping we won't see snow again until October, at least. Anyone who has lived in Colorado, spring or fall, knows that I am being very optimistic.

So here we are, on the cusp of the next phase of our lives. Our lives aren't really changing, just where we live them is. But it feels like a new phase. I've written so often in the last eight months about feeling unsettled. With each passing day, that feeling diminishes. I can look to the near and far future feeling optimistic and ambitious. There are grants to write on the horizon, and I am determined to settle back into a regular schedule of writing and promoting my books. I miss it so much.

Life is good. Great really. And I appreciate every single second of it.

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