Friday, June 10, 2016

Retained Serendipity

Doug and Frank have returned from California. Frank's luggage has not. As I anticipated, his luggage is full of new stuff, most of which he probably purchased on Melrose. He's bummed, and freaking out a little. Not because of the new stuff, but because his retainer was in his luggage. 

After wearing braces a year and a half longer than they originally told him he'd have to wear them, the idea of being without his retainer for several days while a new one was being made, not to mention the $500 price tag of the new set, had him in quite a tizzy.

He called the orthodontist, unbeknownst to me. When I called, she said, "oh, is this for Frank?" Four telephone conversations back and forth between them and me, and then Frank and me . . . resulted in a happily serendipitous discovery. His doctor wanted to know why he took BOTH retainers with him. He only had one set, he told me. They hadn't called him to tell him the permanent set (the $500 version), were in yet. Sure enough, they're in the back justing waiting for him to pick them up. Yay! 

Hoping still for found luggage . . . asking the universe to please cooperate. Glad it already took care of the retainer.

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