Friday, July 15, 2016


Staying in an apartment in Boston is my first experience with Airbnb. My guess is that as far as initiations go, this is a good one. The apartment is small, not unexpected in Boston. The photographs made it look much bigger, not unexpected in marketing. It is comfortable, more so than a hotel room would've been, and about a third of the price. 

The kitchen is a separate room, there are two closets(!) and a bathroom you can turn around in. It is well-stocked with everything I could possibly need . . . or so I thought when I went to find the promised coffee kept in the freezer. Obviously it wasn't there. However, last night after a fabulous dinner on the North End, I got a tres cher pound of ground coffee which I can now attest was worth every penny.

The owner of the apartment has little notes everywhere explaining how to use or where to find things. She has an ample supply of maps, books, public transportation schedules, and most importantly in the summer . . . an air conditioner. 

Frank was less than impressed when we arrived, but given he may go to school here, it is good for him to get an idea of the average size of a back bay apartment. He determined that his bedroom is bigger than the entire square footage of this place, but by light of day, I think he may be wrong . . . just not by much.

I'm exercising my right as sole inhabitant not to make the bed or even put my dishes away. We'll see how long it takes for OCD to overpower my rebellion.

There are restaurants across the street and as I posted yesterday, there are several Berklee buildings everywhere you look. Once my coffee kicks in I plan to visit the library, the MFA and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

I opted for an airbnb that was private for here and for Nashville. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable spending an entire week in a stranger's home while they were there. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my bed unmade (eye roll).

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