Monday, September 05, 2005

Broken Promises

I don't understand how people can make "promises" and break them, especially with children. As a parent, it is so hard to explain to a child that although a person loves them and didn't mean to disappoint them, they were unable to keep their promise. No matter how insignificant it may seem in the life of an adult, a promise is not insignificant to a six-year-old, or to the parent who has to dry tears and find a way to make sure the six-year-old still loves, admires and trusts the promise-breaker. Ugh.

I think the words, "I promise," are simply thrown around far too irresponsibly. The solution is so simple, DON'T PROMISE! Whenever Frank asks about something I say that we'll try, or we'll think about it, or talk about it, or do our best, or something, but I don't promise unless it's worthy of those words, and then it has to be something I can almost guarantee will happen barring unforeseen emergencies, like falling off a ladder (although I don't think I promised him anything that day and if I did, I'm sure he forgave me for breaking the promise.)

I've heard Frank say to Doug, "Do you promise?" and Doug says, "No Frank, I don't promise, but I will do my best to . . . " And then Doug does his best to make whatever it is happen.

Okay, so here's another thing. Doug went to Nascar on Sunday. Janel babysat me (and Frank and Beck and CJ's little sister, Madison), and then CJ came over later. We had hot dogs for dinner. As I was preparing my hot dog, I realized how much I count on Doug. Terrible that it was cooking that made me think of it, but regardless, I thought of it. There is so much that Doug does here, so many ways that we are a team. There are the things he always does, and then there are the things I always do. I know I can count on him to do his stuff, and vice versa. It's nice. We're a team, and a family, we have a partnership. He's dependable and steadfast. Probably something I don't acknowledge or thank him for, but definitely should.


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