Monday, September 19, 2005

Twelve Days

How is it possible that CJ and Janel are getting married in twelve days? Wasn’t it yesterday that they told me they were having a baby? Wasn’t it yesterday that Janel asked me if she was engaged, and then CJ proposed to her?

My boys have their little suits that they will wear at the wedding, the suits that match CJ’s suit exactly. On their feet they will wear black converse hightops and everyone will say how absolutely adorable they are, and sweet.

Twelve days from now I will watch CJ and Janel say their vows to one another and I will cry. My tears will be of joy and pride, and I will do my best to remember that their mothers are there, and that I am not their mother. But in my heart I know I will feel as much love and pride and happiness for them as if I were.

I’ll cry when they have their first dance as husband and wife, and I will remember the fun we had as they listened to songs and picked out their music. I’ll cry when Janel dances with her father, and CJ dances with his mother, knowing how much each of their parents did for them for this wedding, and I’ll cry when Janel dances with her grandfather and CJ dances with his grandmother and remember how important that was and is to them.

These days Doug and I are very happy, and very close. It has been fun for us to watch and help them plan this wedding day, and remember our own. We had so much fun, Doug and I. That day, that week, that month, that year are some of my best memories and I cherish them. I’m sure I will cherish the memories of these days as well.

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