Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Brand New Day

Today is sunny and beautiful, which means the art gallery will be quiet. Whenever it is sunny and beautiful on a Saturday in Monument, people stay home and plant flowers, work in their gardens, go on hikes, go for bike rides and enjoy the outdoors in general. Can't say as I blame them.

I awoke this morning ready for a brand new day and ready to leave yesterday's "troubles" behind me. Were they really troubles? Or were they blessings in disguise?

In taking a new look at yesterday's chain of events, Doug is greatly relieved that we don't have to figure out how to tell the ceramic artist and his wife that while we like them very much as people, their work ethic and overall attitude makes it impossible for us to have them in the gallery. We have also had a run on artists submitting new work for consideration that we prefer vastly over the work they did. So on several fronts, their decision not to show in our gallery is one that benefits us greatly.

As far as the new employee goes, I had some concerns over whether she would be able to handle the computer and administrative aspect of the job. We've had two employees since we opened who were really not able to and it caused problems for us. In addition, a red flag shoots up for me whenever someone starts a job with telling you all the time they need off. In my experience, rather than continuing to plan vacations, it seems as though when starting a new job, the thinking would be that it would be unlikely they w0uld get vacation time in the beginning and alter their plans.

And the "nanny"—I don't know what the right thing is for Beck right now. I know he needs more one-on-one time, I know he deserves to have "summer vacation" just like his brother does, and I know the preschool he was in has some serious staff issues right now. So all in all, while I don't know yet what he's going to do, this was at least an impetus for me to make the changes that need to be made rather than sticking with something that I knew wasn't working merely for the sake of convenience. Never a good methodology for your children.

Okay universe, I'm ready for whatever today brings.

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