Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sparrow Marketing

Sparrow is up and running again, which I'm excited about. I think. I had hoped to retire from the fast-paced, creatively-demanding world of marketing and advertising and simply run a store that sold things other people were responsible for creating.

However, in the current economy, I don't have that luxury. The art market business is okay. And that's it. Just okay. Not good enough. I have hopes that with some changes we're making in order to drive more traffic, it will go from okay to great. But that is to be seen.

Given all the work Doug and I have done to market the market as well as the historic district of the town, we have gotten a lot of attention relating to our marketing skills. We're currently doing marketing and design work (paid work) for the town and the chamber of commerce, which is also giving us visibility.

A couple of months ago a woman came into the market who had recently moved here and had a background in design and was interested in some work. As it turned out, we ended up deciding to work together to build the marketing business here. Since I'm already stretched pretty thin with the art market, it is great to have her as a partner. She's also funny and fun, so there are other benefits as well.

Again, it is to be seen how much business we can actually generate, but I'm hoping one or more of these irons I have in the fire turn into something prosperous. Before we run out of money entirely.

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