Friday, May 06, 2016

What First?

Prior to closing, prior to moving into a new house you look at the photos again and again and again, planning what you're going to do "the day you move in." At least that's what we did. There were things that were our top priority, that have since fallen pretty far down the list. Things we didn't even consider have either already happened or are scheduled to be.

Granduer is the biggest problem, I think, followed by budget. (She laughed out loud.) But what first? Granted there wasn't a lot that needed to be done to this house. The former owners only lived here part of each year, and kept it immaculate. However, there are things we want to do to make it ours. 

We've decided we can only tackle the front yard this year . . . which is exactly opposite of what we originally planned. In the past couple days Doug ripped out an Aspen stump that was the focal point of the area near the front door because of the handprints, probably those of their grandchildren, that were painted or carved into it. Things like that are only dear to those whose handprints they belong to. To us it was an eyesore. I also pruned a bush near the front door that I had no idea what it was, until I pruned enough of it to find a tag telling me it's an Oregon Grape. At least I was able to look online and see what it was supposed to look like . . . which it now is pretty close.

Much of the rest I thought I'd prune can't be done yet. It's still too difficult to determine what is dead and what is still hibernating. So we wait. The manicured bush in the front yard will wait too, until we figure out what to replace it with, or how to redo the bed to our liking (it was also on the first week chopping list).

Inside, the dishwasher I thought I'd replace in the first few days works perfectly fine, but the replacement for the cooktop I thought would be suitable arrives next week.  

I'm still struggling to clean the jetted tub, which only seems to spew MORE disgusting black stuff rather than less. It is quickly becoming my bane given how badly I want to use to soothe my tired bones.

Each day I think "let's do this," only to walk around and find something else to do instead. First world problems, right? The truth is I love this house. We haven't lived here a month, yet it is home. It's comfortable, beautiful, and we're really fortunate that we found it. 

Soon the things that drive me crazy today will be things I no longer notice, the way that happens until you decide it's time to sell the house, and then you go back and wonder why you didn't do it years before so you could be the one to enjoy it rather than the people who will move in next.

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