Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Important Decision

I've made a very tough, but very important decision. There is a person in my life who I have referred to in my mind as a friend. And they are not. I serve a purpose and when not needed, am cast aside until the next need surfaces. The moments of insecurity and therefore communication can be timed like clockwork.

After reflecting on my resolve to stop putting energy into people who cause me unhappiness rather than putting energy into people I love and love me, it is abundantly clear that this relationship does not fall under my friendship guideline. The unhappiness so far outweighs the happiness, the scale has tipped over.

It was very sad today that CJ noticed how I was affected and gave me the advice to walk away, quietly. You'd think I'd be older, and wiser, and smarter, and all that. But I'm not.

It will be a little hard for me. But the nail in the coffin? It'll probably be years before this person notices I'm gone.

It'll be just as quiet when I leave as it was when I got here.

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