Sunday, April 03, 2005

My Three Men

They're not really mine. Well one is, sort-of—in the sense I'm married to him. The other two are just men I talk to on a fairly regular basis, almost daily. One is my sons' manny (as he likes to call himself, our male-nanny), the third is a dear friend. What makes this remotely interesting, to me anyway is, the manny is twenty-four, my husband is forty-three, and my dear friend is seventy-two.

I can tell you, if by happenstance, I have a conversation with each of them about the same topic on the same day ... it is simply fascinating to get each of their perspectives. Funny how sometimes its the twenty-four-year-old who has the most conservative views; and also seems to be the most protective of my feelings (how sweet.)

If you add my five-year-old into the mix, I've got four generations covered. If I need the opinion of a man, on any given topic, I can get three or four. I could write a book.

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