Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A great day for a birthday

After too many days of gray, Colorado is back to a perfectly blue sky, sunny day. And today is Dougs birthday.

Doug and I have been married for fifteen years, and together for nearly twenty. The road here has not always been an easy one; more than once I wasn’t sure we’d make it. But we never gave up, we both kept working at it, and for the last couple of years, at least, life has become a never ending honeymoon.

The biggest thing we have going for us, other than deep and complete love, is respect for one another. I overhear sometimes how couples talk to each another and wonder, why would someone talk to the person they love above all other in a way worse than they would speak to a stranger? It is something we have to be mindful of, but it is worth it.

As I took Frank to school this morning, sunroof open, windows down, music playing, sun shining, the red rocks looking more so because everything is so green, I said a little prayer of thanks that our family lives here, we have such a good life, and so much happiness. Our thoughts are with the rest of Colorado, those devastated by the floods and hope that the sun is shining on them today too.

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