Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My view, and my view

This is the view I see on my way through the parking lot when I drop Frank off at school. It's spectacular, and only one reason I love to be the one to drop him off every day.

It isn't a long drive, but it gives us both a chance to set the tone of our day, or outlook, or our view . . . we try to keep things light, fun and happy, because that is the kind of day we both want to have. We have a morning song we listen to on the way to school, usually something fun, today it was You Get What You Give by the New Radicals. If the weather is warm enough, I open the sunroof, roll down the windows, and play the music really loud (but only after we're out of our neighborhood and before we enter the school parking lot, so we don't bother anyone, which is Frank's rule, not mine).

Today when I was driving out of the parking lot, I saw someone I knew driving in, the family did not appear to be having a light, fun or happy morning. Mom appeared to be yelling about something, front seat son seemed to be the recipient of her ire. I'm not saying Frank and I have never had those mornings, or that we never have them now, but it reminded me that I don't want us to leave one another's presence under those circumstances, if it can be helped.

Sometimes after Frank gets out of the car, I drive alongside him as he walks up the sidewalk, and I turn the music back up, and I wave, and tell him I love him. He gets embarrassed, and rolls his eyes at me, but he also smiles. And I know exactly what he's thinking as he walks in that front door. He may think I'm a goofball, but I can guarantee you he also thinks I'm a fun goofball. 

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