Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Most Important Connection

A few months ago Frank and I were driving somewhere, listening to a CD I put together, and a song came on. I hit the replay button, turned it up, and said, “I want you to listen to the lyrics of this song . . .” and before I could finish my sentence he asked, “is it going to make me cry?” Frank is fourteen, and while he may have been thirteen when this happened, it had still been months, maybe even more than a year, since I had seen him cry about something, so the question caught me a little bit off guard.

I suppose the melody of the song sounded a little sad, but I answered, “No, it really isnt a sad song, just listen.

“No Mom,” he said, “is it going to make me cry just because its so good?

He gets me. I get him. It was one of those rare moments of absolute awe and appreciation that my son and I are connected in that way.

I like you too and tell you the truth, it wasnt my chair after all.

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