Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another Day to Remember

I got up too early for a Saturday morning, but it was to take Frank to swim practice at 5:45am. I can’t complain about it, at least I got to come back home and write, Frank has to swim for two hours.

A few minutes after I returned from dropping him off, I got a direct message on Facebook from my Aunt Judy letting me know shed just ordered the paperback version of And Then You Fall from Amazon. I checked as recently as last night, and hadn’t seen the link to the paperback, so her message caught me by complete surprise. Particularly since it wasn’t suppose to be available until November 1.

So this day, October 26, becomes another day to remember. It is the day I sold the first paperback version of a book I wrote. Huge thanks to Aunt Judy for being the first to buy it!

I also had an aha moment regarding the title of “series two/book two.” In fact, it was an aha moment for the whole series. One of those duh kind of things. Sometimes answers are so obvious. And more often than not, the simplest answer is the best one.

Frank and I are going to the Marquis tonight to see four Denver-based bands. And we’re taking a friend of his with us. Last night on our drive to the football game, we listened to Mayday Parade, who we’re seeing on November 4, also with a friend of his.

I have two comments on tonight’s concert as well as Mayday Parade. First, Frank told me yesterday that he wanted to stand near the front of the stage for Mayday Parade. He went on to hint that he didn’t want me to stand there with him. Okay . . . that hurt a little, but I DO understand, I really do. I just hope that I still enjoy myself being left alone somewhere else in the building.

Secondly, and this is a happier comment, he told me what I should wear, so I fit in. Or so I feel more comfortable. After he gave me his wardrobe suggestions he said, “you’ll look like any other scener.” I’m guessing at the spelling of scener. He told me to go to YouTube and type it in, so I knew how everyone else would be dressed, but I haven’t done that yet. Fortunately (or oddly), the clothes he suggested I wear I already own. Surprising right? And he didn’t say that I’d look like an older-version of every other scener there. Also surprising. 

I hope the things he’s learned about saying the right thing to his mother will serve him well one day with girlfriends and eventually his wife.

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