Thursday, October 10, 2013

Billy and Renie Haven't Been Dancing

Ive been struggling with the plotline of the newest book. As is typical with me, things are too good between the MFC and MMC too early. I like to get to the good stuff right away, but that makes for a very short book.

I decided to take the day off from writing, or at least the night. I tried for most of the day to force the story to take some kind of shape . . . and it simply wasn’t working. If you pay attention, you will know when the story isn’t working, I am on twitter and facebook more, looking for inspiration I suppose.

Tonight, out of the blue, the perfect idea came to me, just as I was about to drift off to sleep. So now, of course, I’m ridiculously excited about writing it. But in an effort to assuage that overwhelming urge, which will cause me to be awake far later into the night than I should be . . . I’m writing about writing it, rather than writing it.

The truth is, I can’t wait. I live for this feeling—when the ideas are flowing out of my head so fast my fingers cannot keep up with getting them entered into perpetuity. 

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been searching for the thing that makes Billy and Renie start dancing. Now I’m the one who gets to dance.

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