Friday, October 25, 2013

Kind of Like a Baby

I’ve decided to stop naming books when I start writing them, because the title always changes. I suppose it is a good thing to have a working title, but there have been a couple occasions where I found myself writing to the title. Not good. 

Yesterday I made a commitment on the NaNoWriMo website to participate this year. I’m 53,000 words into “book two, aka “series two/book two, which is how I will likely refer to my books henceforth. I’m not sure how I’m going to juggle finishing it and starting another. It may just be too confusing. I added a title on NaNoWriMo, that I know will change, since I haven’t started the book yet, but it for me it will simply be “series two/book three.

When both our boys were born, we knew well ahead of time, perhaps when I was two or three months pregnant, what their names would be. In both of those cases, the names fit, but I do like the idea of waiting until the baby is born to name him or her. So from now on, I’m going to wait until the book is further into gestation before I name it.

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