Thursday, April 26, 2007

Another bad day

Thursdays seem to be bad days for me. Not sure why. I had another really hard day today. Doug hung out at the market all morning, and Micki was in today, which always makes me feel better. We did get a lot done, our grand opening is in nine days.

Finally Doug and I left around 1pm and went to Mozaic for lunch. He hadn't been before so it was a welcome retreat. It is so unbelievably beautiful here, and I was sorely in need of that reminder.

It isn't often that I'm down more than one day in a row, and usually by later in the day I feel better. And if I don't, I wake up the next morning ready to go again. There have been few times of exception in my life. I anticipate feeling ready to face the world again tomorrow morning.

One foot in front of the other, I just need to keep reminding myself of that. The reminders of mother's day around the corner do not help. I don't relish the idea of the days leading up to it or that day. It will be very difficult I'm sure.

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