Friday, April 13, 2007

One Foot in Front of the Other

These days that's about all I can do. The art market is keeping me busy and for that I am thankful.

I have written so much here about how happy I am that we moved to Monument and have been continually surprised as it just seems to get better and better, never what one truly expects.

I am amazed every day by the extraordinary generosity exhibited by the people of this town. We had a meeting yesterday morning for the annual Art Hop, and most of the people there, many of whom have already given me a card, came up and expressed their sorrow about my mother, hugged me sincerely, and then many told me their own stories or somehow shared their empathy. With or without their own story of a loved one's passing, most had tears in their eyes.

One man shared that soon after his mother passed away, he also lost his brother. He lifted one of his feet and told me that his brother bought brand new running shoes just before he died, and now he wears them every day so he takes his brother with him everywhere he goes. The shoes are almost falling apart at this point and he said that when they do, he'll take them to Sabrina (who owns Bella Art & Frame) to have them put in a memory box that he will then keep displayed. I was so moved by this, as was Doug when I told him last night when I got home.

I haven't felt alone since I arrived home last week, and other than being with Doug, Frank and Beckett, little makes me happier than being in the market. Two women came in yesterday afternoon and bought a painting and some other things. As they were leaving, one said, "This is such a happy place, I don't want to leave. You've created a place where one just wants to stay, just to be here. It's so warm and inviting." Music to my ears as you can well imagine, just what I set out to do, so glad others are feeling it.

Another merchant yesterday introduced herself and told me she "was the one who wrote a card saying to call her about getting a massage." She went on to say that she didn't "just write that," she meant it, and at this time I needed to allow others to take care of me whether it was through hugs or a massage. Turns out, her Yoga and massage studios have just moved in across the street from the art market, and she walked over yesterday afternoon to say hello and give me logos and artwork for the Art Hop brochure. I will call her later and schedule a massage, because sometimes it is important to graciously accept what others want to do for you or give to you. It isn't always easy for us to do, but I know I am always pleased when someone allows me to do something for them that I've offered to do, and then feel closer to them from then on.

The ladies at the Gallery Center want to plant a tree in front of the art market in my mother's memory, and while Doug and I were initially hesitant, I am comfortable with and honored by their offer. I think it will be especially nice for Frank and Beckett and I will love to look at it and think about how it honors and celebrates her memory in a positive way that also signifies growth and how times moves on, with us or without us. Given there is nowhere else to "visit" her, or leave flowers as I do when we go to East Aurora and I go to St. John's Lutheran Church and I leave red geraniums at my grandparents' grave, this will provide a place to for her to "be."

I have much to do with the grand opening, Art Hops and day to day existence and I am thankful for that. I will continue to put one foot in front of the other and take things day by day. The hardest part is overcoming the urge to pick up the phone and tell my mother all these things.

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