Monday, April 02, 2007

Skype, Beck's Sick and Knowing Who You Are

Poor little Beckett has the stomach flu, again. He hasn't kept anything down since Saturday, so I'm going to try to take him in to the doctor today just to make sure he's not too dehydrated. Once when we were in Mammoth, he got so dehydrated he had to spend four or five hours on IV until his fluids got replenished and his fever and heart rate went down. He's soooo hungry and thirsty, which is the hardest part, but then he just loses everything.

I've been trying to get Timbuktu set up so I can access the market computer from home and vice versa, but haven't had much luck with all the firewall, router, port nonsense one has to go through in order to make it work. Yesterday I went to the Timbuktu website and there on the home page, they really made a HUGE thing of Skype. My friend Bonnie had encouraged me to get Skype, but I've had a little bit on my mind and never got around to it.

As it turns out, supposedly if two computers are set up with Skype, it is easy to use Timbuktu. I haven't exactly figured that part out yet, but I think I'm close. HOWEVER, for at least a year, maybe longer, I have periodically tried to figure out iChat videoconferencing, also to little success.

Signed up for Skype and voila, the entire Buchman clan is now videoconferencing up a storm. So glad to have ONE computer issue resolved. I also installed a new system on Frank and Beck's computer and now somehow they no longer have airport functionality. I'm so frustrated about that I can't even tell you. Certain things are just supposed to work, and having been a Mac geek since 1998, and Apples prior to that, I've always been able to figure everything out myself. While I love OSX, I guess, the obstacles I've faced with the higher level of operating system sophistication, meaning it works better on a network and no longer allows people to "mess up" their system, also means for me that I can no longer figure out how to "fix" things.

The third subject mentioned in the title of this post, is knowing who you are. Or maybe it would've been better stated by "knowing who I am." I am forty-four years old, and last night it occured to me that at this time of my life, I actually feel comfortable with who I am and what my life is about. I certainly hope the store makes money, sooner rather than later, but otherwise, I don't have "doubt." Moving here was the smartest, best possible thing we could have done. Each member of our family is happier here, and all for different reasons. Beckett gets to spend more time with us instead of caregivers, Frank loves the laided back lifestyle, how much friendlier and nicer everyone is. Now that we have a planned source of income, Doug is relaxing and enjoying the beauty of this place. The landscape of this environment is all about the kinds of things he loves, the hiking trails are endless, and most unmarked, which he has decided should be his legacy. He's entering the John Muir stage of his life I think.

Anyway, I could go on forever, but I have to go to Safeway and get some pedialyte for Beckett.

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