Monday, December 09, 2013

Taking Letting Go a Little Too Far

Ive been trying to get our Christmas cards finished for the last two hours. I’ve had every computer program I’ve tried to use quit, and even had to shut the computer down. I’m a Mac girl, this doesn’t happen often.

I figure the universe is trying to tell me something. What I’ve decided it’s telling me is to quit for the night, go and read, and attack the Christmas cards tomorrow, or maybe the day after. The days of me having them done the day after Thanksgiving are long gone.

I’ve started to wonder if maybe I’m taking my letting go a little too far. In a pseudo-Freudian slip, I initially wrote above that I should attack the Christmas cards next year. I went back and read it and laughed out loud. 

There are still people who tell me I get more done in a morning than they get done in a week. You should’ve known me before. Or maybe not. 

I haven’t really started Christmas shopping yet. Mainly because Doug does most of it. He even shops for himself, and hands me the bag. Like the Christmas cards, I suppose I can attack shopping tomorrow as well, or maybe the day after.

I’m in one of those analysis-paralysis modes. I have much to do, but can’t get any of it done because I’m still trying to decide which I should do first. So what am I doing? Writing. Of course. Because at the end of the day, or the beginning, or even the middle, that’s what I want to be doing more than anything. So maybe I’ll get the Christmas letter done tonight. All I have to do is write it.

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