Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day Two - Goal Met

I wrote today. For about four hours. I worked on the grant again, but my goal is to write, it doesn't matter as much what I write. I also worked on character outlines again, and realized I'm taking them too far. I don't need to tell their story as much paint their picture. That also counts as writing. 

I'm feeling really good right now. While there's much still up in the air, I am optimistic about it's resolution, which allows me to move forward. 

Spring. That's allowing me to move forward too. The weather is so nice right now (pause—knock on wood), that it feels like spring. The next fews days will be in the 60s before the temps plummet to the 20s again. I'm yearning to plant flowers, something I learned not to do until after Father's Day in this neck of the woods.

Hopeful. Optimistic. Happy. Writing. It's all good.

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