Friday, January 08, 2016

Time to Kill

I finished my photo album project. I say that, but I'm not really finished. There are still a few things to do. First, figure out if I'm going to print photos from the last ten years so Beckett has photo albums to look at that have pictures of him in it. I think I will, but the undertaking is overwhelming. I had to spread out the photos of Doug in "his" album. There weren't very many, compared to me. As the only child and only grandchild, I had a billion. I threw away at least half.

Anyway, second I'm going to write notes at the front of each album explaining who is in the album, and how they relate to our family. Most of it is in my head, and neither of the boys appear interested in learning more right now. Even if they did, it's easy to forget who is who and what is what, as evidenced by my struggle with remembering who the people in Doug's ancestral family were and how they related to him.

I tell myself this won't take me very long, which is very optimistic I'm sure. Things never take as little time as we imagine they will on the front end. Rarely do I surprise myself by how little time something takes. 

I have an hour before I have to leave for a meeting that will keep me away from the house until mid-afternoon. I'm very glad the photos are in albums and the dining and living rooms no longer contain boxes, and empty albums, and various sizes of photo pages, and trash bags, and all the other stuff involved in completing that phase.

I might as well kill the time by sorting through the thousands of pics I have from the last ten years. Phase two (or is it three?) begins.

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