Monday, January 11, 2016

Five Miles, A Good Song and Some Words of Encouragement

I'm grumpy. I was excited to get on the treadmill this morning. My intention was to read DANCE, which I was sure would carry me through the tediousness of walking inside rather than out. Instead, I hated it. 

It's part of the process. I know that. I've felt this way before, about every book I've written. I also know that I'll get through it. When I start editing, which now seems completely overwhelming and not likely to yield many results, I know I'll eventually wonder what I was so upset about. Alas, while I'm feeling this way, even knowing I'll feel better later today or tomorrow, doesn't help.

Hating my own words, made the five miles hell to plow through. I can usually overcome it by getting lost in whatever I'm reading. No such luck today. I went back to the other book I was reading yesterday. Thinking about how good it was versus how bad DANCE is, further added to my growing grouchiness.

I hoped to make it to four miles. If I could force myself that far, I'd feel better. Instead I went five. A song by Bryce Vine came on, and I received words of encouragement from a couple different sources. "Don't get frustrated." "Hang in there."

I have a meeting to go to, and after that, I'll come back and start my edit. Doing something constructive always makes me feel better.

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